Ipomoea pes-caprae L.
Prostrate, creeping, herb; much branched;
branches slightly erect, while main stalk horizontal to the ground
Tap reeo and several adventatious roots
develop from the nodes. These adventatious roots anchores the branches
and the main stalk to the sandy soil and acts as a sand binder in the naked
sand-dune of coastal regions.
Leaves alternate, cauline, upright, exstipulate,
simple, petiolate, terete. glabrous, base brownish gree, fleshy, solid,
basal portion conspicously twisted, pulvinous
Lamina apically bilobed, slightly folded
and each fold broadly ovate, entire, straight, succulent, dorsoventral,
glabrous, unicostate reticulate venation.
Inflorescence solitary cyme, peduncle
long about 7.0 cm. solid, glabrous, green, terete, erect, peducle branched,
long stalk bears large flower, while dwarf stalk having bud
Flower ebracteate, bisexual, complete,
regular, erect, pedicellate, odourless, pentamerous, perigynous.
Sepals 5, polysepalous, 3 inner large,
2 outer small, inferior, imbricate 1.2 and 0.9 cm long respectively and
0.6 cm wide, ovate, oblong, entire, mucronate, glabrous, herbaceous, green,
inconspicuous, parallel margin from base to apex.
Petals 5, gamopetalous, twisted, funnel
shaped, 5 apical popinted beaks present, which are inwardly bending, violet
in colour at base gradually the colour becomes fade with maturation, showy
Stamens 5, epipetalous, filament base
slightly attached to the corolla base, 2 large and 3 small filaments, solid,
base of the filament covered by gregarious white valvate hairs, filament
white, solid, glabrous, inserted, anther bilobed, introse.
Germination hypogeal
Fruit capsule, with apical beak, 1.0 cm
long and 1.0 cm across, with persistent large calyx, reddish at margin
Economic Importance : Leaves are
used in rheumatism, stomachic, tonic. The extract of the leaves have the
astringent, diauretic, laxative properties. A prominant san binder.